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  • Beginning of the Reckoning (Feral Steel MC Book 3) Page 10

Beginning of the Reckoning (Feral Steel MC Book 3) Read online

Page 10

  “Alright, message received. I am hitting the shower and getting a few hours of sleep.” I rub the side of my face. I am going to be sore as hell. “I had to get Doc to give Callie and Hanna a sedative. I’ve never seen my woman lose it like she did except for one other time. She’s a strong damn woman but this brought her to her knees. She will be out for blood so we need to get this nipped in the bud and find whoever is doing the killings. When Callie goes off half-cocked, destruction is left in her path. I won’t let my woman be hurt again so be ready.” Devil doesn’t need to tell me this. I know their history. When Callie thought Dra was dead she went on a tear.

  “We’ll handle it , we just need a lead or a direction to go. This took a lot of planning and there must be a group of people. We need to find the link between the BlackPath MC and the Feral Steel MC. It involves Callie because she is the one that bonds us. That means whoever it is has touched her life there and here,” Crockett deducts from the happenings over the last few days.

  “All that is true but I think whoever did this also knew abo ut Sarah and Tito and they also knew Becky worked for us. That means they are closer to home. I think we have been watched for a while,” Bo speaks up. We all look at the prospect.

  “How do you get that? Do you know something we need to know?” Devil asks. “It’s all a hunch. I’ve only been around for over a year. I’m not as invested as the rest of you so I am looking at this with an outsider’s eye,” Bo tells us to make sure we are following. “Tito and Sarah were sneaking around but some of us had seen them around town together. So, if someone was watching they would have known too. Tito is one of your go-to brothers when there is something to be found out. If it can be found on a computer, then he and Oz can find it. With that woman, Becky’s death and what was wrote on the wall we were being careful but no lock down, but it still knocked our tech guys for a loop because the men got around their security setup. Then to take out Tito’s girl. That once again is a hit to our tech people. With anonymous texts and mysterious messages, we need our techs. If they are out of commission then we have a problem.” The prospect makes sense. “With Callie upset that leaves our Prez distracted plus the extra security for anyone else threatened. I don’t know everything that is going on, just what I overheard Tito and Crockett discussing and I wasn’t eavesdropping, they just weren’t quiet.”

  “He’s right. Plus, everyone knows if we have an issue that the BlackPath MC is who we call and if they are already scrambling themselves…” Crockett adds. “Maybe whoever it is thought we would all go to one clubhouse and try to figure it all out. One big target at once. Are we sure this has nothing to do with Hempcan? If Maddie and Micah are included in the mix maybe they thought we would call in Krill and Sarge’s clubs too. Hempcan is the only thing we all have in common,” I think aloud.

  “No, it’s not. My woman is who we all have in common. Callie has been a part of each of the clubs and she is the one that each of the ones with the tattoo have in common,” Devil says. His voice has an edge of anger and hate. He looks at Bo. “I want you in church later. We need an opinion of someone who knows how we work but isn’t as attached as we are. The sun will be up soon, let’s try to grab some sleep.” We all agree. I have a woman I need to handle. I may have approached this the wrong way. Only time will tell.

  No one owns me. I’m not a dog he can tell to sit and I just obey. I don’t want this lifestyle. I’m scared. I am doing what I do best when things go south. It’s time to run. No one can hurt me if they can’t find me. The further I am from Hacksaw the better. If I keep saying these things in my head maybe I will get them through to the rest of my body. I know I shouldn’t be attracted to the Neanderthal that stood in front of me and told me what I was and wasn’t going to do. Hacksaw stood there and told me we were happening. No matter how much that man’s voice sends tingles to all my girlie parts I do not want this biker life. I want a voice. I want to be able to make my own decisions. I jump up off the bed and pull my bra out of my pocket. I finally get it on and I check my phone, dead battery. I grab my purse off the dresser and put my phone in it. I know what I need to do and I am going to do it. I am getting out of here. I am making my way back to my apartment and pack a bag and then I am getting in my truck and I am out of here. When I am far enough away I will call and check on Em and her family and then I am going to disappear. If I can’t be found then no one can kill me and no one can use me against anyone else. When I find a place to stop I will get a disposable phone and call Em and let her know I am alright. That is my plan. It’s a good plan. I open the door enough to look up and down the hall. No one out there. I just hope I can get past the security cameras and over the damn wall. I walk out into the hall and make my way to the exit. It’s a side door and I know it has a security camera around it somewhere. I just hope a damn alarm doesn’t go off when I open the door. I push the metal bar to get outside and I don’t hear anything. I know when I shut this door I can’t get back in. Here goes nothing, I shut the door as quietly as you can a metal door and I turn to run. I come out on the backside of the building and I look around. I start to run and someone grabs me from behind. I start to fight whoever is holding me. I will not go easy. I do the only thing I can do, I start yelling. I throw my head back hoping to hit whoever is holding me. The back of my head meets a very hard head. I think I see stars. Yes, stars, but I don’t stop kicking.

  “Cool it babe!” I know that voice but I don’t stop fighting. The person picks me up off my feet from behind in a bear hug and starts walking back around to the front. The front door opens and Hacksaw walks out. “Did you lose something?” the man holding me asks Hacksaw. The fact he is heaving like he is out of breath gives me a little satisfaction.

  “Didn’t I tell you to stay in our room? Let her go!” Hacksaw yells. “Babe, I am going to let you go but do not hit me again or Hacksaw is going to blister your ass red and I am going to watch,” the man says. He puts me so my feet touch the ground. I go still. He releases me and I move away from him and turn to see who it is. It’s Oz. Damn, I head butted Oz. “It’s not safe out here alone.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know it was you. Are you crazy grabbing me like that?” I ask Oz. “Oz was doing what he has been told to do by Devil . Perimeter walks hourly. Did I not tell you to stay put? Have you got a death wish?” Hacksaw is pissed. Well so am I.

  “I have a wish to be away from you.” Hacksaw grins and moves faster than I thought was possible. I am up over his shoulder and hitting him in the back before I can even think straight. I hit on his back out of reflex. Hacksaw slaps my ass. I yell and he does it again. “That hurts, you asshole! Stop!” He slaps my ass again twice real fast and in the same spot.

  “No, that stings. If you don’t behave yourself it is going to hurt and you r ass is going to be bright red. If you hit me again I am going to take those shorts off and spank your bare ass right in front of Oz.” I go still. Hacksaw laughs. “Oz, she either doesn’t like that idea or she likes it too much and her panties are wet now.” They both laugh. I’m not an exhibitionist but the thought of Hacksaw’s hand on my bare ass did make my panties wet. Damn, that’s not good. No, I do not want this man. I will not let him own me.

  “You have your hands full with that one. Good luck,” Oz says as he walks off. Hacksaw starts walking towards the front door.

  “I can walk you know,” I yell at Hacksaw. He smacks my ass again. “Stop!” “Be still and keep quiet so you don’t wake everyone in the clubhouse up. There are children trying to sleep.” Now I feel bad so I shut up. Hacksaw opens the front door and he walks us through it. He never slows down. I see Bo still behind the bar and he has a smile on his face. Everyone thinks this is funny but me. I need to regroup and come up with another plan. Hacksaw pushes his room door open and shuts the door and locks it. He walks over to the bed and throws me on it. Good thing it is a soft bed or that might have hurt. Hacksaw takes his cut off and puts it on the dresser and then pulls his t-shirt off and throws it in the floor
and undoes his belt and jeans. His face looks like he has been in a fight but it takes none of the beauty away. No, it gives it an edge that has my clit on alert and my panties wet. I can’t take my eyes off him, his chest is a chiseled work of art. His pecs are making me want to touch him. I put my hands under my legs so I don’t do it. My eyes run down his torso to his abs and they are well defined, and he has a six pack that makes me want to lick my way down. The sexual tension is thick enough it could be cut with a knife and I have a burning desire to let this man consume me. Hacksaw slowly brings himself down on me and I move my legs apart so he can fit. I know I should stop this. We are both going to regret it but there is no fight left in me. I want this man like I need my next breath of air and I accept that. I will deal with the consequences later. I pull Hacksaw closer and he takes my mouth in a scorching kiss that I feel all the way to my toes. My panties are drenched and I wrap my legs around Hacksaw’s waist.

  “I’m taking this as a yes. If it isn’t you better say no now,” Hacksaw says in a deep voice that has my body humming with want. “Yes.” It’s that simple. No need for more words. I pull my shirt over my head. Hacksaw gives me the room I need, standing up and taking his jeans and boxers off. His cock is erect, and I can see that Hacksaw is very well-endowed. I squeeze my thighs together with need. I undo my front clasp bra and take it off and throw it at Hacksaw. He walks back to the bed and I scoot back closer to the middle of the bed and spread my legs wider and unsnap my shorts.

  “Stop. I’ll unwrap my gift. Just lean back further.” I do what Hacksaw says. He moves between my legs again and lays his hard body on mine but keeps his weight on his arms. He palms my left breast while kissing me slowly. His fingers begin to tweak my nipple and it hardens into a hard bud. Hacksaw pulls his mouth away from my mouth and kisses down my jaw to my neck leaving kisses that are setting my body on fire. I am close to begging this man to just fuck me already. When he runs his tongue over my nipple my back comes off the bed with the electricity running through my body. Hacksaw sucks my nipple in his mouth and I hear the moan that leaves me. He moves to the other side and gives the right side the same attention that has me on the edge of an orgasm. He kisses his way down my stomach and pulls my shorts and panties off and throws them. He starts kissing my shaved mound. I reach down and try to pull him up to me.

  “Please, Hacksaw, I need you inside me.” Hacksaw laughs. I look at him and he winks at me. “In good time , sugar,” Hacksaw tells me. “I’ll take care of you but first I need to taste you.” This is not me. I am not some shy young thing. I turn Hacksaw over and I am on top of him. I know he let me but I’ll take it.

  “That might work with the club girls around here but I am a woman that knows what the hell I want and I am not a woman who sits back and lets her man do all the giving. Buckle up biker boy, I am going to rock your world. Condom.” I wink at Hacksaw and let him know I am taking what I want.

  “Damn, woman. I usually like control but you are too fucking hot not to let you do just that. Rock my world if you can and I am clean. I am tested regularly and I don’t go ungloved so we are doing this bareback. You are mine.” Challenge accepted. I straddle Hacksaw as he lays there smirking at me. I give him a tantalizing kiss that has him trying to pull me closer to him but I am having none of it. I push him back and position myself and have his cock lined up and I let myself fall on his steel hard cock all at once. Yes, it burned, but it burned so good. I loved the grunt that I heard come from Hacksaw. He tries to grab my hips to gain control but I am having none of it. I sit straight up on him and grind back down, never slowing down. “Sugar, I’m not going to last this way,” Hacksaw says in a deep husky voice that tells me that he is as into this as I am. It has been too long since I have had a man inside me. I feel the tingle and heat down to my toes. I let his cock slide almost all the way out and then slams back down and grind against him. My clit is swollen and each grind brings me closer. I feel my walls squeezing him. Hacksaw reaches up and teases my nipple with his fingers. Hacksaw sits up and slows my pace. He takes my other nipple in his mouth and I lean back on my arms and wrap my legs around Hacksaw’s hip and ass. I try to pick up the pace again but Hacksaw won’t let me have the deep thrust my body is craving. I feel his engorged cock hit the soft inner walls of my pussy and I just need a little more to cum. Just a little more friction or a faster pace.

  “Damn it, fuck me harder!” I yell. “You are one hot piece of ass, sugar. You want it hard then stand up.” I start to get up like he told me but Hacksaw doesn’t wait. He scoots us to the edge of the bed and stands, holding me and before I know it I am dropped to my feet and Hacksaw has me turned around. “Hold on to the bed and don’t fucking let go. This pussy is mine and I am going to own it. Do you hear me sugar? You are mine. Say it!” Hacksaw has my feet apart and I am holding on to the end of the bed post. I feel Hacksaw line the head of his cock up and it is sitting at my entrance. I want to shove back on it but Hacksaw has me by one hip so I can’t move. I try to wiggle back and he slaps my ass.

  “That hurt.” I lie.

  “Hurt so good. Say it sugar or this is done.” I am on fire and need a release.

  “It’s yours Hacksaw. I’m yours. Now just fuck me already.” Hacksaw slaps my other ass cheek. I push into it and moan. Damn, I didn’t think I could get any wetter. “My pleasure, sugar. I am going to fuck my pussy just the way it needs.” Hacksaw slams into me with no warning and it hits the spot in me I need and I am so close. Hacksaw’s thrusts are so hard they move my whole body and they give my body what it has been craving. “Play with your clit.” I put my hand between my legs and find my hardened bundle of nerves and begin a circular motion and apply just enough pressure to make my muscles clench harder around Hacksaw’s cock. “That’s right, milk my cock.” I can’t think or speak. My mouth is dry from panting so much. I bring my other hand to my nipple and I am on the edge of an orgasm. I rub my clit between my two fingers and it sets off my orgasm. My muscles spasm and I can barely breathe.

  “Oh god, yes! It is so good ,” I barely get it out. Hacksaw doesn’t slow down. He’s pounding me with all he has and then I feel him tense and then his voice is almost unrecognizable.

  “You are fucking mine! Say it, Joy!” Hacksaw says and I can’t deny him. “I’m yours. Yes, oh yes. All yours ,” I respond in a husky voice. Then I feel Hacksaw’s orgasm fill me. He keeps pumping. I go limp and he bends over my back and kisses my back and then the back of my head. When he is spent, I start to move to go to the bathroom, but Hacksaw stops me and kisses me long and hard and I would be ready for round two, but I can feel the evidence of what we have just done start to run down my leg. Hacksaw picks me up bridal style and carries me into the bathroom and sits me on the counter top. He reaches under the cabinet and gets a rag and wets it and cleans me and then throws the rag in the basket. He turns around and I think he is finished but he turns around and starts the shower. He pulls out some towels and sits on the cabinet beside me and then gets a rag and puts it inside the shower. We haven’t said a word but it’s not a strange quiet, just a very satisfied quiet. Hacksaw picks me up and I let my feet hit the floor. I walk into the stream of warm water. Hacksaw follows me in and starts to wash my body with the bar of soap. Damn, his hands feel good on my warm wet skin. He lathers the soap over my body and runs the rag between my legs and my breath catches. My body is on fire with need. I take the soap from his hand and lather Hacksaw’s body and my hands glide over his hard, slick wet body. Hacksaw bends down and takes my mouth with a passion that takes my breath away. I back up from him and run the bar of soap over his stomach and down his v until my hand slides down his steel hard cock. I place the bar of soap in the soap dish so I can concentrate on gliding my hand up and down Hacksaw’s shaft. Hacksaw backs up to the wall of the shower and lets his head go back against the wall. I hear the moan that escapes him and it makes me want more. I want to watch this man come unwound and lose control. My clit is throbbing just from working Hacksaw’s cock. I am wor
king my hand up and down sliding and then back up and tightening around the head and twisting my hand. I see the precum leaking from the head and I can’t wait anymore. I bend down on my knees and lick the moisture from the tip. I run my tongue under the head and then close my mouth around the head and pushing down, take as much of Hacksaw’s cock as I can.

  “Oh shit, that feels amazing. Take more ,” Hacksaw moans out in a deep voice that has me wanting his hands on me. Hacksaw puts his hand on my head but doesn’t press down. Instead, he caresses the side of my head. I relax my mouth and take as much of Hacksaw in as I can. Going deep and then making my way back up and swirling my tongue around the head. “Enough.” Hacksaw pulls me up to him and kisses me roughly and turns me around so I am facing the shower wall. He brings his lips to my ear. “Sugar, I need to feel my cock buried in your wet pussy. I need to hear you scream my name when I make you cum.” Hacksaw lines his cock up with my wet pussy and he pushes in with one stroke. He goes still and I try to look back at him but he brings one of his hands around and pinches one of my nipples and then massages it with slippery fingers. My body is alive with want.

  “Move! God please, move!” I yell. He starts pumping in and out of me slowly. It is driving me crazy. “Not god sugar, Heath. When you come you scream my name!” My pussy clenches and I try speeding Hacksaw’s moves but he is in control. He brings his hand to my clit and starts to rub it slowly with a soft touch but I am not having it. I put my hand on top of his and start to move his hand on my clit only I am not getting the friction I need. I move his hand and move my own hand over my clit rougher. I slide my hands back across the bundle of nerves and the throb is beginning to speed up and I feel the burn. I give the hard bud a little pinch and then resume the sliding across the nub. Hacksaw has grabbed my hips and he is bent down a little on his legs to make up for our height difference and he is pumping faster. We are both chasing a release we need. I feel my pussy clench down on Hacksaw’s cock and the flutters of my orgasm begin. “That’s it sugar! I feel it, you’re going to cum. Say my name.”